Engineering buttons model 1871 in burnished or refurbished brass
    • Engineering buttons model 1871 in burnished or refurbished brass
    • Engineering buttons model 1871 in aluminium
    • Blackened Slightly rounded engineering buttons with bottom
    • Golden rounded with bottom Engineering buttons
    • Silver rounded with bottom Engineering buttons
    • Smooth copper rounded with bottom Engineering buttons
    • Ridged copper rounded with bottom Engineering buttons

    Engineering button

    Tax excluded Customized item. Pre-order required.

    Engineering button

    Model 1871 with staple
    Slightly rounded with bottom
    Rounded with bottom

    Engineering button
    Button appearance
    Button diameter
    Nature of the button

    Renovated button of the Engineering Engineer, with in the center the corselet and Sapper helmet insignia.

    Traditional attributes of the Engineers corps which reproduces the breastplate and the pot-protection header (against enemy fire and explosives).


    To choose from:

    - Different burnished or refurbished models:

    Model 1871: brass,  aluminum,

    Slightly rounded button with bottom: blackened,

    Rounded with bottom: ridged golden brass alloy, ridged silver ferrous alloy, smooth copper alloy, ridged copper alloy.

    - Diameter: 10 mm, 17 mm with Parisian fastener, 15mm, 17 mm, 21 mm, small module (17 mm), large module (23 mm), 25 mm.

    Several manufacturers: A M & Cie, T W & W, MASSE & Cie, DUCOUR, Maurice BOURDON, H.J, Albert Fils, Perfectionne...


    Specific References

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